SPECS has another doctor, congratulations Jordi!
SPECS has another doctor, congratulations Jordi!
SPECS News • 1 October 2019
Today SPECS’s Ph.D. student Jordi Ysard Puigbo defends his thesis entitled:
“Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation.”
Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Paul F.M.J. Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester UPF).
Ph.D. Tribunal
President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF)
Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.)
Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)
Date of defense: Tuesday, 1 October 2019
Time: 16:00 h
Place: Room 55.309 Tànger – Campus del Poblenou