The Barcelona Cognition, Brain, and Technology summer school is a platform for both student training and the development of a common research agenda. see BCBT 2019
This summer school at the interface between neuroscience, future and emerging technologies and cognitive systems and since 2008 has been part of a series of events organized by the European coordination action Convergent Science Network of Biomimetics and Neurotechnology ( The summer school has been supported by a number of European research projects including Virtual Brain Cloud, RGS@home, cDAC, Human Brain Project, socSMCs, Goal Leader, EASEL, efAA project, WYSIWYD, and by the Convergent Science Network Association (CSN)
BCBT’s principal aim is to promote a shared systems-level understanding of the functional architecture of the brain and its possible emulation in artificial systems. BCBT is catering to the research communities that address the “cognitive systems”, “bio-ict convergence” and related fields of future and emerging technologies. BCBT is aiming at making a positive contribution to the development of an active and integrated multi-disciplinary research environment in these areas.