Robotics For Kids Thanks to robotics we can study aspects of brain function, such as for instance learning and social behavior. We have [...]
Master In Creative Process – Elisava
Lucas Lorenzo Pena2019-02-07T15:21:54+00:00Master In Creative Process - Elisava The Master in Creative Process by ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering and elBulliFoundation is a program that will allow you to learn and [...]
Course on Neuro-Robotics
Lucas Lorenzo Pena2019-02-07T15:22:04+00:00Neuro-Robotics To understand brains we need to start from the simplest animals: take for example the worm C-Elegans with only 350 neurons, able [...]
BCBT – The Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology summer school
Lucas Lorenzo Pena2019-06-15T16:02:10+00:00BCBT – The Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology summer school The Barcelona Cognition, Brain, and Technology summer school is a platform for both student training [...]
CSIM – Interdisciplinary Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media
Lucas Lorenzo Pena2019-02-07T15:22:21+00:00CSIM - Interdisciplinary Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media This interdisciplinary master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (CSIM) is successfully running [...]
Digital Heritage
Lucas Lorenzo Pena2019-02-07T14:57:49+00:00Digital Heritage By using advanced digital humanities technologies, and making it accessible online, we can conserve, develop and preserve the memory of Europe's [...]